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Monday, June 29, 2015

Actually SAVING Money & How I'm Doing it !

OK even though I coupon all the time and save my money that way so I'm able to use  it in other places. I still struggle with the idea of not spending all of the money I have leftover. I always seem to either splurge on something  like non essential foods , going to a movie, make up or clothes. Its like that extra bit of cash in my  purse is burning a hole straight out of it. So I've come up with a plan to help with saving Actual money.  Its so simple it will blow your mind. I never seem to have time to run to the bank to deposit money , so I bought a cheap change counting jar at Walmart for $5 . Here are the steps I'm taking to fill it up slowly but surely.

  • Pocket Change anyone ? by this I mean any pennies, dimes, nickles etc. That I have laying in the bottom of my purses, drawers etc. I'm putting in my Jar which counts it all for me. This will motivate me to keep adding change to it even if its just a $1 or so each time. 
  • Next I'm putting at least $5 of Cash in the jar after each day I work. Since I now work in a Restaurant as a Server and also Bus tables. Every shift I work I come home with cash.  So this will be easy and will help me break my Spending habits ! 
  • Also at the end of the week any extra cash I didn't need to spend will also be added to my No Spend Jar. 
  • Lastly Anything That enters the Jar can not come out of the Jar, unless I plan to put it back within a few Days time. 

  Perks of the  No spend Jar !  These are simple , you can be motivated by the growing amount of  money in the jar that YOUR FINALLY SAVING ! You can finally see the amount of money in the jar since it counts all of your change for you . You can spend that money once the jar is full and get that Purse , make up or anything else you want to save for at the end. Also you can skip that long drive to the bank that never actually ends up happening , HaHaHa ! 

Hope this helps you save some Money this Summer too ! 


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