Here's how it works !
When you signed up you'll get to pick a $10 giftcard to be mailed to you when you sign up you'll get it mailed to after you make a purchase of $25 !
- After your all signed up simply Sign in each time before you do your online shopping ! Then use the search bar on Ebates to find the store you plan to shop at and then click the shop Now button .
- The site will redirect you to the website you want to shop on and you can continue your online shopping like you normally would.
- Also when you make your first $25 purchase pre-tax you'll earn your $10 giftcard which will be mailed to you.
- You can check to see how much money you saved by going to the cashback activity tab on your account on Ebates.
- Lastly make sure you have your payment method selected in your Big Fat Payment settings in your account. You can get paid via Check or via Paypal.
Definitely will be checking this out. I enjoy online shopping too so wouldn't mind saving a little each time :)